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时间:2013/10/30 08:22:10作者:管理员点击量:

报告题目:Universality and scaling in physical and biological systems
报 告 人:胡進錕 研究员(Institute of Physics of Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan)
主 持 人:王新刚  教授
        The objective of statistical physics is to understand macroscopic behavior of a many-body system from the interactions of the constituents of that system. When many-body systems reach critical state, then simple universal and scaling behaviors appear. In this talk, I first introduce the concepts of universality and scaling in critical physical systems, including ordinary critical systems and self-organized critical systems. I then briefly review some examples of universal and scaling behaviors in physical and biological systems, including universal mechanism for critical behavior of lattice systems, universal finite-size scaling functions of percolation and Ising model, universal critical exponents and amplitude ratios, universal ratio of volume to surface area of proteins, universal mechanism for protein aggregation, glassy behavior and polymers and proteins, finite-size scaling for the specific heat of a lattice polymer model, etc. Finally, I mention some interesting problems for further studies.
        胡進錕教授,现任台湾中央研究院物理所研究员。国立清华大学物理系学士(1971年6月),台湾中央研究院物理所硕士(1973年6月)和博士(1976年6月)。中正理工学院副教授(服役, 1977年1月-1978年5月),国科会副研究员(1978年5月-1978年10月),加州大学博士后研究(1978年11月-1979年6月),缅因大学副研究员(1979年7月-1981年8月),多伦多大学副研究员(1981年9月-1983年8月),中央研究院研究员(1984年9月-迄今),哈佛大学访问学者(在职访问, 1991年10月-1993年6月)。担任Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Advisory Board 委员,Physica A  Advisory  Editor,International Journal of Modern Physics C副编辑及Europhysics Letters (EPL) 共同编辑(04/2009-03/2016). 至2013 年10月,胡博士于专业期刊发表或已接受发表之论文共247篇,其中 Physical Review Letters 20篇,Physical Review 81篇,PNAS 2篇。这些论文见胡進錕博士的个人网页 (http://projl.sinica.edu.tw/~statphys/people/huck/index.html)。



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