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学术报告:Chimera States under perturbations to the coupling structure

时间:2015/05/13 08:49:45作者:kyms点击量:
报告题目:Chimera States under perturbations to the coupling structure

人: 博士 (北京师范大学物理系)

报告时间:2015513日(星期三) 下午16:00


报告摘要:A remarkable phenomenon in spatiotemporal dynamical systems is chimera state, where the structurally and dynamically identical oscillators in a coupled networked system spontaneously break into two groups, one exhibiting coherent motion and another incoherent. We want to know how structure perturbations affect the chimera stateshere we study the random perturbations and deterministic removing connections, analyze the robustness of chimera states under random perturbation to the structure and find the emergence of multicluster chimera states under deterministic removing connections.

报告人简介:姚楠,北京师范大学物理学系理论物理博士生,2012-2014年在美国Arizona State University来颖诚教授课题组做国家公派联合培养博士生。研究方向为非线性科学与复杂系统,目前主要从事耦合振子系统中的chimera state相关研究。




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