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学术报告: Femtosecond-laser direct-writing of photonics devices

时间:2015/04/27 14:45:35作者:kyms点击量:
报告题目:Femtosecond-laser direct-writing of photonics devices

报 告 人:段予文 博士 (Macquarie University)

报告时间:2015429 日(星期三) 上午10:00-10:40


主 持 人:张中月 教授

报告摘要:Femtosecond-laser direct-writing (fs-laser DW) is a powerful new photonic device fabrication technology has emerged over the last decade. In this talk, the basic physics of the technology will be reviewed. A few of the many fs-laser DW applications that have been investigated will be presented.

报告人简介:Yuwen Duan got her Ph.D. in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Macquarie University in Australia. Her research was about femtosecond laser direct written waveguide lasers.  





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