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职称/职务: 教授 博士生导师
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电子信箱: renliy@snnu.edu.cn
办公地点: 致知楼3104






欢迎访问先进光学成像实验室网站 http://aoi.snnu.edu.cn


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7547-7511

ResearcherID: F-5518-2014https://publons.com/researcher/2530962/liyong-ren/









2013/11-2019/02, 中科院西安光机所,信息光子学研究室,研究员,副主任,研究室主任

2009/01-2013/10, 中科院西安光机所, 瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室,研究员,博士生导师

2007/05-2009/04,电气通信大学(UEC),日本振兴学者(JSPS Fellow






2017/07至今, 中国光学学会全息与光信息处理专业委员会, 常委

2016/07至今, 中国光学学会高速摄影和光子学专业委员会, 委员

2012至今,    国际光学工程学会高级会员(Senior Member of SPIE

2012至今,    美国光学学会高级会员(Senior Member of OSA)

2010/04至今, 中国光学学会高级会员(Senior Member of COS

2022/03至今,中国光学工程学会高级会员(Senior Member of CSOE


















基于光纤双宽带光抽运方案,提出了构建特定谱型结构宽带SBS增益谱方法,获得了脉冲失真管理下的慢光信号脉冲的高保真传输;基于载频抑制和光纤光栅滤波特性,提出了一种单边带调制线性可控光学时间延迟方法;基于对泵浦光和斯托克斯光的偏振控制,提出了一种提高SBS慢光稳定性的方法;提出了一种多通道、大动态范围、连续可调的SBS慢光时间延迟线方案,获得了0-200 ns动态范围内连续可调的SBS慢光时延。












7、国家自然科学基金重点项目,单光纤内窥无透镜成像技术与器件研究(61535015) , 2016/01-2020/12, 已结题。

6、 中科院一三五工程部署项目,实时彩色偏振成像相机样机研制(S15-002),2014/07-2015/12,已结题。

5、国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目,全XXXX宽波段XX成像技术研究, 2013/07-2016/06,已结题。







8、 学院年度考核优秀,2021

7、 中科院优秀导师奖,2018


52017年度JD科学技术进步奖, 二等奖,部委级, 2017



2、 陕西省科学技术奖,一等奖,省级,2010

1、 陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖,二等奖,省级,2008



91YX Zhang, LY Ren, J Liang, SB Guo, Refractive index inversion method for metals based on circular polarization detection of light, Optics Communications, 535: 129344 (2023).

90LY Ren, FY Ma, J Zhang, J Liang, Image registration method for full-Stokes-vector division-of-aperture polarimetric camera, Proceedings of SPIE, 12550: 125501A (2022).

89、任立勇,梁健,屈恩世,张文飞,杜博军,马菲雅,郭少犇,张进,偏振光学成像:器件,技术与应用(特邀),光子学报,51(8): 0851505 (2022).

88KL Ren, KX Yao, DD Han, JY Hu, L Yang, YP Zheng, L Liang, J Dong, WF Zhang, LY Ren, Ultra-broadband flat-top circular polarizer based on chiral fiber gratings near the dispersion turning point, Optics Express, 30(23): 41774-41783 (2022).

87J Liang, YY Sun, LY Ren, RG Liang, Short-wave infrared polarimetric image reconstruction using deep convolutional neural network based on high frequency correlation, Applied Optics, 61(24): 7163-7172 (2022).

86、梁健,任立勇,一种基于颜色编码滤波的同时偏振成像方法,bevictor伟德官网学报(自然科学版),50(1): 91-96 (2022).

85YH Li, YP Xu, JB Jiang, LY Ren, SB Cheng, BC Wang, XW Zhou, ZY Wang, Dual dynamically tunable plasmon-induced transparency and absorption in I-type-graphene-based slow-light metamaterial with rectangular defect,Optik, 246, 167837 (2021).

84JB Jiang, YP Xu, YH Li, LY Ren, F Chen, SB Cheng, WX Yang, CJ Ma, ZY Wang, XW Zhou, Ultra-broadband, near-perfect and thin-film scale solar absorber based on semiconductor-metal nanocone, Optik, 246, 167855 (2021).

83M Ren, DK Du, J Zhang, HZ Zhang, FY Ma, XY Zhang, YB Hao, J Liang, XY Zhao, LY Ren, Polarization measurement errors analysis on fully-automatic polarimetry, The 12th International Conference of Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP2021), Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 12057, 120574H-1-120574H-10, Xian, July 23-26 (2021).

82XY Zhang, XY Zhao, LY Ren, Vector vortex beams encoding/decoding for visible-light communications, The 19th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 2021, 1-3, doi: 10.1109/ICOCN53177.2021. 9563853, Qufu, Shandong, Aug. 23-27, 2021.

81FY Ma, F Wang, R Yang, J Liang, LY Ren, Single-shot 3D reconstruction imaging approach based on polarization properties of reflection lights, Proc. of SPIE, 11898, 118980F1 (2021).

80J Liang, LY Ren, RG Liang, Low-pass filtering based polarimetric dehazing method for dense haze removal, Optics Express, 29(18), 28178-28189 (2021).

79JB Jiang, YP Xu, YH Li, LY Ren, F Chen, SB Cheng, WX Yang, CJ Ma, ZY Wang, XW Zhou, Triple-band perfect absorber based on the gold-Al2O3-grating structure in visible and near-infrared wavelength range, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 54, 43(2022).

78KL Ren, LY Ren, J Liang, L Yang, J Xu, DD Han, YK Wang, JH Liu, J Dong, HY He, and WF Zhang, Excitation of high-quality orbital angular momentum vortex beam in adiabatically helical twisted single-mode fiber, Optics Express, 29(6), 8441-8450 (2021).

77JY Xu, YP Xu, LY Ren, S Sun, TX Jia, L Zhang, JT Xiao, BC Wang, CJ Ma, SB Cheng, F Chen, F Song, Numerical investigation on the temperature sensing based on the θ-shaped microfiber resonator, J. Optoelectronics and Adv. Materials, 22(7-8), 325-332 (2020).

76KL Ren, MH Cheng, LY Ren, YH Jiang, DD Han, YK Wang, J Dong, JH Liu, L Yang, and ZQ Xi, Ultra-broadband conversion of OAM mode near the dispersion turning point in helical fiber gratings, OSA Continuum, 3, 77-86 (2020).

75S Sun, YP Xu, LY Ren, JY Xu, TX Jia, L Zhang, JT Xiao, BC Wang, WX Yang, SB Cheng, F Chen, CJ Ma, and F Song, Research on the gas refractive index sensing based on microfiber double-knot resonator with a parallel structure, Optik, 204, 164207 (2020).

74QK Xie, YR Jiang, J Liang, ES Qu, and LY Ren, Incoherent, non-invasive and non-scanning superoscillation-based microscope for super-resolution imaging, Optics Communications, 463, 125445 (2020).

73BC Wang, LY Ren, XD Kong, YP Xu, KL Ren, WX Yang, SB Cheng, F Chen, and F Song, Study on fabrication, spectrum and torsion sensing characteristics of microtapered long-period fiber gratings, Optik, 204, 164445 (2020).

72J Wang, JJ Xue, ES Qu, and LY Ren, Doublet-waveplate polarization transceiver system for backscattering suppression in laser communication terminal, Optics Communications, 466, 125621 (2020).

71J Liang, XB Tian, XZ Tu, O Spires, N Brock, DD Wang, H Wu, LY Ren, BL Yao, S Pau, and RG Liang, Color full Stokes polarization fringe projection 3D imaging, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 130, 106088 (2020).

70J Liang, HJ Ju, LY Ren, LM Yang, and RG Liang, Generalized polarimetric dehazing method based on low-pass filtering in frequency domain, Sensors, 20, 1729 (2020).

69、张文飞,任立勇,邢飞,张芳,葛筱璐,王国梅,付圣贵,基于离散余弦变换金字塔分解的新型偏振光学去雾技术,激光与光电子学进展,57061102 (2020).

68CF Xu, B Zhuang, ZX Wu, and LY Ren, Single-fiber based endoscopic imaging: methods and characteristics, Journal of Material Science and Technology Research, 6, 120-122 (2019).

67J Liang, X. B. Tian, HJ Ju, D. D. Wang, H. Wu, LY Ren, and RG Liang, Reconfigurable snapshot polarimetric imaging technique through distributed spectral-polarization filtering, Optics Letters, 44, 4574-4577 (2019).

66H Chen, Y Geng, CF Xu, B Zhuang, HJ Ju, and LY Ren, Efficient light focusing through an MMF based on two-step phase shifting and parallel phase compensating, Applied Optics, 58, 7552-7557 (2019).

65LM Yang, J Liang, WF Zhang, HJ Ju, LY Ren, and XP Shao, Underwater polarimetric imaging for visibility enhancement utilizing active unpolarized illumination, Optics Communications, 438, 96-101 (2019).

64QK Xie, YR Jiang, J Liang, ES Qu, and LY Ren, Hybrid phase-amplitude super-oscillation element for non-scanning optical super-resolution imaging, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 36, 196-201 (2019).

63HJ Ju, LY Ren, J Liang, ES Qu, and ZF Bai, Method for Mueller matrix acquisition based on a division-of-aperture simultaneous polarimetric imaging technique, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 225, 39-44 (2019).

62CF Xu, B Zhuang, Y Geng, H Chen, LY Ren, and ZX Wu, A scanning-free wide-field single-fiber endoscopic image retrieval method based on optical transmission matrix, Laser Physics, 29, 046202 (2019).

61WF Zhang, J Liang, and LY Ren, Haze-removal polarimetric imaging schemes with the consideration of airlight's circular polarization effect, Optik, 182, 1099-1105 (2019).

60XD Kong, LY Ren, J Liang, KL Ren, HJ Ju, YP Xu, and CF Xu, A chiral long-period grating fabrication method based on axis-offset rotating optical fiber, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 51, 124 (2019).

59Y Geng, GZ Zhao, H Chen, CF Xu, B Zhuang, and LY Ren, High-speed focusing and scanning light through a multimode fiber based on binary amplitude-only modulation parallel coordinate algorithm, Applied Physics B, 125, 83 (2019).

58J Liang, HJ Ju, LY Ren, WF Zhang, LM Yang, ZF Bai, and RG Liang, High resolution reconstruction of short-wave infrared polarimetric images using intensity information of visible images, Applied Optics, 58, 4866-4870 (2019).

57YR Jiang, QK Xie, ES Qu, LY Ren, J Liang, and J Wang, A multi-wavelength multi-focus Fresnel solar concentrator with square uniform irradiance: design and analysis, Applied Optics, 58, 5206-5212 (2019).

56QK Xie, J Wang, YR Jiang, J Liang, ES Qu, and LY Ren, Far-field super-oscillation imaging based on the super-oscillation elements and PSF feature extraction algorithm, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 35, 491-495 (2018).

55B Zhuang, CF Xu, Y Geng, GZ Zhao, H Chen, ZX Wu, and LY Ren, Round-trip imaging through scattering media based on optical transmission matrix, Chinese Optics Letters, 16, 041102 (2018).

54XD Kong, KL Ren, LY Ren, J Liang, HJ Ju, and YP Xu, Tunable wavelength-selective coupler based on microtapered long period fiber gratings, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30, 821-824 (2018).

53B Zhuang, CF Xu, Y Geng, GZ Zhao, H Chen, and LY Ren, An early study on imaging 3D objects hidden behind highly scattering media: round-trip optical transmission matrix method, Applied Sciences, 8, 1036 (2018).

52LM Yang, J Liang, WF Zhang, HJ Ju, LY Ren, J. Han, and ES Qu, Underwater polarimetric imaging target enhancement technology based on unpolarized illumination, Acta Optica Sinica, 38, 0611003 (2018). (中文)

51GZ Zhao, Y Geng, H Chen, CF Xu, B Zhuang, BW Wu, and LY Ren, A method for focusing and scanning light through multimode fiber based on binary amplitude modulation DMD Technique, Acta Optica Sinica, 38, 0911004 (2018). (中文)

50LY Ren, B Zhuang, GZ Zhao, CF Xu, Y Geng, H Chen, BW Hu, and YL Li, Multimode-fiber/scattering-medium computational optical endoscopic imaging based on digital wavefront modulation, Proceedings of SPIE, CIOP100, 109640F (2018). (Invited paper)

49WF Zhang, J Liang, HJ Ju, LY Ren, ES Qu, and ZX Wu, Study of visibility enhancement of hazy images based on dark channel prior in polarimetric imaging, Optik, 130, 123-130 (2017).

48WF Zhang, J Liang, LY Ren, HJ Ju, ZF Bai, and ZX Wu, Fast polarimetric dehazing method for visibility enhancement in HSI colour space, Journal of Optics, 19, 095606 (2017).

47CJ Ma, LY Ren, WG Guo, HW Fu, YP Xu, YG Liu, and J Wen, Numerical investigation of a microfiber-plane-grating composite optical waveguide for gas refractive index sensing, Applied Optics, 56, 3984-3988 (2017).

46WF Zhang, J Liang, LY Ren, HJ Ju, ES Qu, ZF Bai, Y Tang, and ZX Wu, Real-time image haze removal using an aperture-division polarimetric camera, Applied Optics, 56, 942-947 (2017).

45KL Ren, LY Ren, YL Wang, X. Lin, J Liang, YP Xu, and HJ Ju, Theoretical study on core-mode to radiation-mode coupling in chiral fiber long-period gratings, Optics and Laser Technology, 92, 150-155 (2017).

44XD Kong, KL Ren, LY Ren, J Liang, and HJ Ju, Chiral long-period gratings: fabrication, high-sensitive torsion sensing and tunable single-band filtering, Applied Optics, 56, 4702-4707 (2017).

43KL Ren, LY Ren, J Liang, XD Kong, HJ Ju, and ZX Wu, Highly strain and bending sensitive microtapered long-period fiber gratings, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29, 1085-1088 (2017).

42KL Ren, LY Ren, J Liang, XD Kong, HJ Ju, and ZX Wu, Online and efficient fabrication of helical long-period fiber gratings, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29, 1175-1178 (2017).

41YP Xu, LY Ren, CJ Ma, XD Kong, KL Ren, and F Song, Stable and uniform multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on a microfiber knot resonator with a Sagnac loop reflector, Journal of Optics (Springer), 1, 1-5 (2017).

40HJ Ju, J Liang, WF Zhang, ZF Bai, LY Ren, and ES Qu, Study on simultaneous, real-time, chromatic polarimetric imaging technology with full-polarization-state detection, Journal of Infrared Millimeter Waves, 36, 744-748 (2017).

39J Liang, HJ Ju, WF Zhang, LY Ren, and ES Qu, Review of optical polarimetric dehazing technique, Acta Optica Sinica, 37, 0400001 (2017). (中文)

38YP Xu, LY Ren, CJ Ma, XD Kong, and KL Ren, Demonstration of a stable and uniform single-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on microfiber knot resonator, Optical Engineering, 55, 126111 (2016).

37CJ Ma, LY Ren, WG Guo, HW Fu, YP Xu, YG Liu, and XZ Zhang, Wideband slow-light propagation with no-distortion in a nanofiber-plane grating composite waveguide, Optical Engineering, 55, 066120 (2016).

36J Liang, WF Zhang, LY Ren, HJ Ju, and ES Qu, Polarimetric dehazing method for visibility improvement based on visible and infrared image fusion, Applied Optics, 55, 8221-8226 (2016).

35KL Ren, LY Ren, J Liang, XD Kong, HJ Ju, YP Xu, and ZX Wu, Online fabrication scheme of helical long-period fiber grating for liquid-level sensing, Applied Optics, 55, 9675-9679 (2016).

34YD WangXT GanCY Zhao, L Fang, D Mao, YP Xu, FL Zhang, TL Xi, LY Ren, and JL Zhao, All-optical control of microfiber resonator by graphenes photothermal effect, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 171905 (2016).

33YP Xu, LY Ren, CJ Ma, XD Kong, and KL Ren, Slow light and fast light in microfiber double-knot resonator with a parallel structure, Applied Optics, 55, 8612-8617 (2016).

32WF Zhang, J Liang, HJ Ju, LY Ren, ES Qu, and ZX Wu, A robust haze-removal scheme in polarimetric dehazing imaging based on automatic identification of sky region, Optics & Laser Technology, 86, 145-151 (2016).

31LY Ren, YP Xu, YL Wang, CJ Ma, XD Kong, J Liang, HJ Ju, KL Ren, X Lin, and XJ Li, Optical microfiber knot resonator (MKR) and its slow-light performance, Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 680, 012032 (2016).

30LY Ren, ES Qu, J Liang, HJ Ju, WF Zhang, ZF Bai, and Y Tang, Real-time chromatic polarimetric imaging camera based on aperture-division full-polarization simultaneous detection, OE Product & News, 10, 53-56 (2016). (中文)

29J Liang, LY Ren, HJ Ju, WF Zhang, and ES Qu, Polarimetric dehazing method for dense haze removal based on distribution analysis of angle of polarization, Optics Express, 23, 26146-26157 (2015).

28X. J. Li, LY Ren, X Lin, HJ Ju, NN Chen, J Liang, KL Ren, and YP Xu, Improved multiple-wavelength BrillouinRaman fiber laser assisted by four-wave mixing with a micro-air cavity, Applied Optics, 54, 9919-9924 (2015).

27YP Xu, LY Ren, J Liang, CJ Ma, YL Wang, XD Kong, and X Lin, Wideband slow light in microfiber double-knot resonator with a parallel structure, Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 073105 (2015).

26CJ Ma, LY Ren, YP Xu, YL Wang, H Zhou, F Wei, and J Wen, Theoretical and experimental study of structural slow light in a microfiber coil resonator, Applied Optics, 54, 5619-5623 (2015).

25YP Xu, LY Ren, YL Wang, XD Kong, J Liang, KL Ren, and X Lin, Enhanced slow light in microfiber double-knot resonator with a Sagnac loop reflector, Optics Communications, 350, 148-153 (2015).

24YP Xu, LY Ren, YL Wang, XD Kong, J Liang, HJ Ju, and D Qiao, Slow-light effect in microfiber double-knot resonator with a parallel structure, Acta Photonica Sinica, 44, 0506002 (2015). (中文)

23YP Xu, LY Ren, CJ Ma, Y. L. Wang, XD Kong, J Liang, and HJ Ju, Theoretical and experimental study on spectral characteristics of microfiber double-knot resonator with different structures, Acta Photonica Sinica, 44, 0406001 (2015). (中文)

22Y. D. Dai, ES Qu, and LY Ren, Rapid modeling method of LED free-form surface lens based on Scheme language, Infrared and Laser Engineering, 44, 2690-2695 (2015).

21Y. L. Wang, M. H. Kang, LY Ren, and KL Ren, Design of spun high-birefringent fiber for fiber optic current sensor, Infrared and Laser Engineering, 44, 170-175 (2015). (中文)

20J Liang, LY Ren, HJ Ju, ES Qu, and YL Wang, Visibility enhancement of hazy images based on a universal polarimetric imaging method, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 173107 (2014).

19X Lin, LY Ren, YP Xu, NN Chen, HJ Ju, J Liang, ES Qu, BW Hu, and YL Li, Low-cost multipoint liquid-level sensor with plastic optical fiber, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26, 1613-1616 (2014).

18YP Xu, LY Ren, CJ Ma, and J Liang, Theoretical study on slow light in different structures of optical microfiber knot resonators (OMKRs), Optik, 125, 2856-2861 (2014).

17J Liang, LY Ren, ES Qu, BL Hu, and YL Wang, Method for enhancing visibility of hazy images based on polarimetric imaging, Photonics Research, 2, 38-44 (2014).

16YP Xu, LY Ren, J Liang, CJ Ma, YL Wang, and NN Chen, and ES Qu, A simple, polymer-microfiber-assisted approach to fabricating the silica microfiber knot resonator, Optics Communications, 321, 157-161 (2014).

15CJ Ma, LY Ren, YP Xu, YL Wang, J Liang, and ES Qu, Design and fabrication of tapered microfiber waveguide with good optical and mechanical performance, Journal of Modern Optics, 61, 683-687 (2014).

14YP Xu, LY Ren, CJ Ma, YL Wang, J Liang, and ES Qu, Wide-bandwidth and zero-dispersion slow light in MKRs with two-ring parallel connection structure based on an analogue of electromagnetically induce transparency, Journal of Modern Optics, 61, 1109-1114 (2014).

13MH Kang, YL Wang, LY Ren, JT Xu, J Liang, and ES Qu, Design of vibration-insensitive Sagnac fiber-optic current sensors using spun high-birefringence fibers, Journal of Modern Optics, 61, 1120-1126 (2014).

12YL Wang, LY Ren, JT Xu, MH Kang, KL Ren, and NB Shi. The compensation of Y waveguide temperature drifts in FOG with the thermal resistor, Advanced Materials Research, 924, 336-342 (2014).

11YD Dai, ES Qu, LY Ren, XC Du, and HJ Ju, The design of freeform surface Fresnel lens used for LED uniform illumination, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 571/572, 976-979 (2014).

10HJ Ju, LY Ren, X Lin, J Liang, and CJ Ma, Wide-range continuously-tunable slow-light delay line based on stimulated Brillouin scattering, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25, 1920-1923 (2013).

9NN Chen, J Liang, and LY Ren, High-birefringence, low-loss porous fiber for single-mode terahertz-wave guidance, Applied Optics, 52, 5297-5302 (2013).

8X Lin, LY Ren, and J Liang, Nondestructive scheme for measuring the attenuation coefficient of polymer optical fiber, Optics Letters, 38, 528-530 (2013).

7X Lin, LY Ren, ES Qu, J Liang, and HJ Ju, Theoretical and experimental study on nonintrusive light injection via cladding in plastic optical fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31, 359-365 (2013).

6J Liang, LY Ren, NN Chen, and CH Zhou, Broadband, low-loss, dispersion flattened porous-core photonic bandgap fiber for terahertz (THz)-wave propagation, Optics Communications, 295, 257-261 (2013).

5HJ Ju, LY Ren, J Liang, and CJ Ma, Stability-improved slow light in polarization-maintaining fiber based on polarization-managed stimulated Brillouin scattering, Journal of Optics, 15, 035404, (2013).

4MJ Yu, J Liang, LY Ren, WJ Kong, Y Wan, Design and optimization of slow light photonic bandgap fiber, Acta Optica Sinica, 33, 0406005 (2013). (中文)

3LY Ren, J Liang, Y Liu, HJ Ju, MJ Yun, CJ Ma, X Han, X Lin, and Y Tomita, Slow-light in photonic crystal waveguides/fibers: dispersion tailoring schemes for obtaining a high group index with wide band and low GVD, Proceedings of SPIE, 8273, 82730L (2012). (Invited paper)

2LY Ren, J Liang, and MJ Yun, Hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber with microfluid-infiltrated air holes for slow-light propagation, Proceedings of SPIE, 8497, 849710 (2012).

1LY Ren, CJ Ma, ES Qu, F Tang, and X Han, Analysis and study of static pressure distribution in an optical cable spool using distributed fiber Bragg gratings, Proceedings of SPIE, 8351, 835119, (2012).




13、分孔径偏振相机的图像配准方法,发明,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0670279.9



10、一种单模单光纤无扫描内窥成像系统及方法,发明,2019, 专利号:ZL 2019 1 0104120.9

9、基于自适应并行坐标算法的多模光纤出射光斑聚焦方法与系统,发明,2019, 专利号:ZL 2019 1 0142258.8

8、一种菲涅尔聚光透镜及其制作方法, 发明, 2018, 专利号: ZL 2018 1 1602652.7

7、一种单模单光纤内窥成像系统及其成像方法, 发明, 2018, 专利号: 2018 1 1543790.2

6、一种实现多模光纤出射光斑逐点聚焦的方法与系统, 发明, 2018, 专利号: ZL 2018 1 1521808.X

5、一种分孔径共焦面全偏振态同时探测的偏振成像系统及方法, 发明, 2017, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 0777564.0.

4、一种结合暗通道先验原理的偏振成像去雾方法, 发明, 2015, 专利号: 2015 1 0405375.0

3、一种单孔径分光超衍射成像系统及其方法, 发明, 2015, 专利号: ZL 2015 2 0771605.0

2、一种基于偏振成像技术的去雾方法, 发明, 2014, 专利号: ZL 2014 1 8004203.9

1、一种制作微光纤环形结光学谐振腔的方法,发明,2013,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0232308.4



30LY Ren, Image registration method for full-Stokes-vector division-of-aperture polarimetric camera, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN), Nanjing, Nov. 25-27, 2022 (Invited talk).

29、任立勇,偏振光学成像:器件、技术与应用, 2022第三届全国光电子、光子材料与器件学术会议,青岛,2022129-11日(邀请报告)。

28、任立勇,分孔径偏振相机图像配准技术, 第二届国际计算成像会议(CITA2022),上海,20221010-12日(邀请报告)。


26LY Ren, Polarimetric optical imaging: device, technique and applications, The 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2021), Xian,  July 23-26, 2021 (Invited talk).





21LY Ren, Single-fiber computational endoscopic imaging, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging 2020 (COSI), OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2020, JF4E.6, Vancouver, Canada, June 22-26, 2020.


19、任立勇, 分孔径全偏振相机穆勒矩阵测量方法, 第三届全国偏振与椭偏测量研讨会,深圳,20181111-13日(邀请报告)。

18LY Ren, Long-period fiber gratings via CO2 laser microfabrication, The 7th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM2018), Xi'an, Oct 9-12, 2018 (Invited talk).

17、任立勇, 多模光纤计算光学成像技术研究, 2018中国光学学会全息与光信息处理专委会年会, 厦门,2018726-28日(邀请报告)。

16LY Ren, Multimode-fiber/scattering-medium computational optical endoscopic imaging based on digital wavefront modulation, The 10th International Conference of Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP2018), Beijing, Proceedings of SPIE, CIOP100, 109640F (2018). July 8-11 (2018) (Invited talk)

15、任立勇, 偏振相机及其水下目标增强成像应用, 第二届全国海洋光学高峰论坛,西安, 2018621-23日(邀请报告)。

14LY Ren, Superior long-period fiber gratings based on CO2 laser direct writing method: fabrication, properties and applications, 11th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2018), 99-100, Xian (2018). (Invited talk)

13、任立勇,偏振相机及其应用, 计算成像技术与应用专题研讨会,西安,Dec 8-11, 2017(大会报告)。

12LY Ren, Full-Stokes vector polarimetric camera and its polarimetric detecting and imaging performance, 1st International Workshop on Advancement of Polarimetric Observations: Calibration and Improved Aerosol Retrievals (APOLO2017), Hefei (2017).

11、任立勇,偏振光学成像及应用, 多维多尺度计算摄像学产业及应用创新大会-尺度与立体光场主题, 北京,20171013日(邀请报告)。

10、任立勇, 偏振相机及其成像探测应用, 2017年全息与光信息处理专业委员会学术年会,昆明,2017728-30日(邀请报告)。

9LY Ren, Novel long-period fiber gratingsfabrication and sensing applications, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2017), San Jose (2017).

8LY Ren, An aperture-division full-stokes vector polarimetric camera and its polarimetric imaging applications, Optics & Photonics International CongressOPIC2017, Yokohama, IP-19PM-2-7 (2017).



5、任立勇,偏振光学相机及其成像探测应用, 2016年全国光机电技术及系统学术会议,桂林,20161014-17日(邀请报告)。

4、任立勇,偏振光学透雾成像技术, 第十届全国光子学学术会议,西安,2016918-20日(邀请报告)。

3LY Ren, Optical microfiber knot resonator (MKR) and its slow-light performance, The 5th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM2015), Hangzhou, Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 680, 012032 (2016). (Invited talk)

2、任立勇,偏振光学成像技术及透雾成像应用研究, 2014年全国光电技术与系统学术会议,南宁,Oct 24-272014(邀请报告)。

1LY Ren, Fiber-based slow light: theory, experiment and application, The 7th International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM2014), FTh3F.1, Wuhan (2014). (Invited talk)








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